Computer in The Workplace

 Operation Managers

    Working as an Operation Manager, a computer is literally your best friend. Everything is on your computer from your important files and any other numbered documents that you need. When using a computer as a manager you need to communicate with other stations or other people so email is your best and only option for communication. Technology places a big part in operations because we utilize wireless scanners that are connected to the internet/server. The scanners that scan the boxes are a very important part because if we didn't scan your packages then you wouldn't know where it was. As time goes on, the company attends to make updates to the software or other applications, so you will need to relearn something and find them again and know how to get to them. 

    Managers need to be computer literate because they would need to know how to navigate through computers and find any information that they need. As well as finding our numbers for the past weeks or months. Our computers have all of our files saved. As an Operations Manager for a mailing service, computers play a big part in that field. Technology has a great impact on our workday, if we didn't have internet/servers we wouldn't be able to do our jobs. 
