Introduction to Programming & Scratch Project

 Scratch project Link:


            Programming has its own little world around it. It has become popular as time continues, and there are many people that have taken up programming and jobs in programming because it’s something that will continue to grow. You may wonder what programming is well it involves computers and people; programming is a set of instructions that are executed in a computer and then the computer reads it and follows it. The more complex the instructions the more complex the results. Programming has many different languages because it allows us to do many different things in our lives.

            When utilizing scratch to create a program, at first it seems difficult to create something because you need to see what every block does and know how to use it. When you open scratch there are some tutorials that you can watch, which help you understand how to create something. Viewing the tutorials helps and teaches you what you can build from scratch. While doing this program It made me understand that programming is used in almost everything that we do. They are in video games, and they are being used whenever you order food too. Programming is everywhere now.

            In our textbook, there are some small activities in sections 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, and 2.11. These sections all have mini-activities that show us the different languages in programming and how they work. All these programs, they are different from scratch because in scratch you basically use words that already have the instructions on them. It’s not complex from scratch it’s a simple plug-and-play program. But with the other languages, you would need to write out the instructions and then make it work, it has a few more steps on making those programs work.

            Programming has its own languages. With more languages, there are many ways that programs can work. For example, Machine language is one of them. Machine language is the use of 0’s and 1’s only. When they are inserted in a program, they correspond to either a letter or numbers and they can be used to calculate math problems too. They used this type of language to wire switches, and they could control lights. Another language is assemblers and assembly language. Assembly is a “textual human-understandable representation of a machine language’s 0’s and 1’s” (Vahid, 2019, p. 2.9). An assembler is one that automatically converts the assembly language into the machine language. This language is used to help computers processor to perform basic operations in the computer. A high-level language is a programming language that instructs a more assembly language, which enables more productivity for the program. They can use formulas since it’s a high-level language. When utilizing this program, they can do more advanced programming in a high-level language.

            The language that is more popular is the high-level language because there are many programs that use high-level languages. For example, python is one that almost everyone uses or knows how to use It because is used in many companies and games and other things that we used every day. Python being easy to learn and understand is one of the popular ones because any can learn it and understand it the right way, it is easy to learn, and it has powerful high-level data that can be utilized. Programming may have different languages, but they all have a purpose in life, some may be harder than others, but they are used to program everything in our lives. 


Vahid, F & Lysecky S. (2019). Fundamentals of information Technology & Literacy
