Microsoft Applications

 Microsft Word

    Microsft Word is used to design and create documents. By creating documents in word, you can easily create letters for people in your business. They have multiple tools that can be used to make a document stand out or make it look good. From changing the color of the letters to their size and you can add any design, or create a design yourself. Word is more utilized to create professional documents, most businesses utilize word to create letters for their customers. For example, they might need to create a document/ letter that needs to be signed so they used the word to create it. Microsoft Word has endless options on how to create a document. 

Microsoft Excel

    Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that can help organize, calculate, and analyze data. When utilizing excel you can create tables with data and calculate them and then create a data chart for them with visuals. When using excel can help businesses keep track of their finances and calculate where their money is going or where it's being spent more. They will have access to multiple tools that can be used in excel. There are many ways that data can be created or calculated. Microsoft Excel has many advantages in the math world but not a lot in writing.

Microsft Powerpoint

    Microsoft Powerpoint is a presentation program that is designed to help others create a visual aid. in PowerPoint you can visually add your key points and data. Powerpoint makes it easy for you to make your slide look and act professional. Powerpoint has many ways to make your presentation more fun and interesting for your audience to look at. Powerpoint can be utilized at work, school, or whenever you need to create a presentation. If you need to use visual aids to make your point across then Microsft Powerpoint has your back. 

    All These applications have their own benefits. The most useful one for documenting my day would have to be Word. Because it was easy to write a journal and make it look like a journal too. You are able to write out more and add more details to your journal. All of the applications are easy to use with whatever we need help creating.
